This Tape Will Self Destruct by Diego Trujillo Pisanty is an artwork inspired by cold war spy fiction, consisting in an electronic device that prints documents extracted from Cold War fictions on thermal paper, then burning them shortly afterwards. Much safer than than Snapchat.
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Hemingwrite, post-hypster typewriter
Hemingwrite is the post-hypster typewriter, a prototype for a plastic typewriter (with a nineties inspired design) with LCD display, wi-fi capability, Dropbox synchronisation, Google Docs and Evernote access and capable memory. Backlight if needed. But single purpose, so, of course, “distraction-free.”
Sincerity Machine, a folklore typewriter with Comic Sans
In Sincerity Machine: The Comic Sans typewriter Jesse England is disrupting the hipster status of typewriters, modifying a seventies model with new laser-engraved acrylic letters (and key covers accordingly, too) with the folklore digital font par excellence: Comic Sans.
Write or Die software, writing with a virtual gun to your head
Write or Die is a software which starts to delete what you’re writing if you pause for too long, word after word (you set the waiting time). Novelist David Nicholls used it for his latest book “US” and defined it “It was as if I was writing with a gun to my head.”